In this page, Incoming Students can find the essential informations they need concerning didacticts at the School of Humanities of Tor Vergata.
In case you still need further explanations to solve your doubts, do not hesitate to reach out to the Responsible of Erasmus+ Office for Humanities at these contacts.
I Semester (Winter Semester):
- Classes begin around the first week of October of the academic year
- Classes end within the third week of December of the academic year
II Semester (Spring Semester):
- Classes begin around the third week of February of the academic year
- Classes end within the last week of May of the academic year
Note that these are broad terms-period. For precise dates, take a look at CLASSES SCHEDULE & CALENDAR OF EXAMS tab.
- Winter Session: January – February
- Summer Session: June – July
- Autumn Session: September
For precise dates look at the Calendar of Exams below.
!!!NOTE THAT annual courses (those that start in October and end in May) usually let students do their exam during the Summer Session only. It is at discretion of each Professor to decide whether students can do a partial during the Winter Session. Students on Erasmus+ mobility can ask Professor to follow just one Module of an annual course (meaning Module A or B).
Hit the button below to go to both Classes Schedule (left column) and Calendar of Exams (right column).
It may happen that different classes are held at the same time. Attendance is not mandatory, though it is recommended. In order to avoid any issue, if students face this situation, we suggest to get in touch with the Professor in order to get an alternative study programme.
!!!NOTE THAT you MUST sign-up for the exams on DELPHI. You will be allowed to do so from 1 month – until 5 days before the date of the exam.
The School of Humanities also offers a number of taught-in-English courses open for Erasmus+ students. Below you can find a list of said teachings, but we recommend to also get in touch with us for further information, since the list is always growing and there might be new courses not listed here.
!!!NOTE THAT Erasmus+ students have also the chance to choose courses for a 50% of their Learning Agreement from Faculties/Departments others than the School of Humanities. If you are willing to do so please e-mail us so that we can help you in the process of choosing courses properly.
Italian B2 skills are highly recommended, but we do not require a proper certificate.
Taught-in-Italian courses do not necessarily mean held-in-Italian exams: Incoming students can ask Professor if they would allow to do the exam in a different language. Though it is an option, it depends on the Professor availability to do so, so we always recommend to get in touch with Professors before deciding to take a given course.
Incoming Students studying in Tor Vergata have the chance to attend language classes provided by CLA (Centro Linguistico di Ateneo) and Italian language courses, which are organized by our CLICI (Centro di Lingua e Cultura Italiana). For further information, get in touch at:
> CLA:
Housing, moving around the city and more! Learn about the hints for Incoming students here.