Here, Outgoing students can find the most usefull information about the procedures to follow prior to their departure.

Still have doubts? Write us an e-mail at the addresses you find here or come visit us in the Office during opening hours.

A carefull evaluation of the Academic Offer of Partner Universities is highly recommended by browsing Partner Universities‘ websites.

Destinations and Agreements for Erasmus+ mobility are specific for different Degree Courses of the School of Humanities (Macroarea di Lettere e Filosofia). We invite you to pay attention reading the Call and the file you can find at the bottom of this page, in order to choose wisely your Host University.

!!!NOTE THAT it is possible to choose a destination that does not belong to the list of Agreements dedicated to your Degree Course only after carefully researching exams which are compatible with your Study Plan.

Le Borse annuali possono essere assegnate per un solo semestre, che può essere il primo o il secondo; ai fini dell’erogazione del contributo finanziario, è necessario sostenere:
Annual Scholarships can also be allocated for a duration of one semester only, be it the First or the Second; for the purposes of financial grant, students are required to accrue:

12 CFU = one semester

24 CFU = whole academic year

In the event of failure to accrue the required CFUs, students must refund the part of the grant they received.

Students must consult the Provisonal Rankings and report any changes to the data within the set deadline.

After the Definitive Rankings are published, students are asked to take part in the Allocation meeting via TEAMS (on the days and time communicated by the Erasmus+ Office). Those who are unable to attend must send due notification and provide a proxy of participation by the day before the Allocation at Students who do not take part to the meeting and who miss to notify their absence will be considered as renouncee without any penalty.

Students might want to make up their mind about a couple of destinations (2/3) so that they already have a plan B in the event that, when their turn comes at the Allocation meeting, their first choiche is not available anymore.

Once the Allocation process is done, it is required that applicants upload on MOBINT the Scolaship Acceptance form within 3 days from the the meeting, in order to confirm their choice of Host University

After the Allocation, our Erasmus+ Central Office will send communication concerning the Mobility Agreement (Accordo di Mobilità) and the Confirmation and Registration of Stay (Conferma Registrazione e Soggiorno), both relevant for a proper payment of the first tranche of the Erasmus+ grant (go to During the Mobility for further info).

To ask questions concerning the financial side of Erasmus+ please get in touch with our Central Office at

The Learning Agreement consists of the didactic agreement in which the students declare the exams they will take abroad, and their Italian counterparts. The choice of exams to be taken during the mobility must take into account the student’s own Study Plan, choosing foreign courses that are as compatible as possible with their learning profile at Tor Vergata.

Applicants are required to take a number of CFUs equivalent to the exams to be recognised at our University. The choice of exams must be agreed with your Erasmus+ Delegate (see the Call of the current academic year for the list of Delegates). After that, you must forward to the Erasmus+ Office at the School of Humanities (Macroarea di Lettere e Filosofia) the e-mail from the Delegate giving authorisation for the choices made.

At this point, you can send your LA to the Host University for their approval and signature.

The LA can be completed via MOBINT platform.

The Application Form consists of the registration of Erasmus+ students at the Host University. Applicants must fill in the Form sent by the Host University, which will also communicate the submission deadline. It is possible to view the indicative application deadlines on the Annex of the Erasmus+ Call. Within same deadlines, students must be in possession of the language requirement. The language certificate is issued by the University Language Centre (CLA – Centro Linguistico di Ateneo), on the basis of the credits obtained and according to the level equivalence criteria established by the student’s Degree Course.

Those who do not have any CFU and certificate/attestation of language level, should report to CLA in order to learn about language course and exams or can make their own arrangments to achieve the requirement.

Need further pointers, or did you not find the answer you were looking for?

Look up the FAQs or write us to solve any doubt.