Welcome to the section dedicated to Erasmus+ Nomination and Partner Management for the School of Humanities at Tor Vergata University of Rome.

If you are a Partner University, you can nominate your students for the Erasmus+ Programme using the dedicated portal MOBINT. Please make sure to select the correct Academic Year, and follow the login instructions provided by our Erasmus+ Office.

Once the nomination is done, our team will send all necessary information to the students, including details about the Application process, Learning Agreement and other required procedures.


  • I Semester and Whole Academic Year: 30/05
  • II Semester: 30/10

!!!NOTE THAT for any issue with the Nomination procedure, faults made during the process, etc. you can always get in touch with the Responsible of Erasmus+ Office for Humanities at erasmus@lettere.uniroma2.it / giuseppina.grimaldi@lettere.uniroma2.it or with our Erasmus+ Central Office at incoming@erasmus.uniroma2.it

Are you looking forward to a Partnership with us?

We are happy to hear out fellow European Universities and enlarge the Erasmus+ network!

Write us your proposal of Bilateral Agreement and we will enthusiastically get back asap.

Make sure the subject of your message is IIA proposal from (ERASMUScode of your University).